Bred in the stars, born in the matrix…

Lori Reising is a sought-after Conscious Thought Leader and Star Channeler with a flare for delivering evolutionary truths with humor, vulnerability and deep passion. As a transformational Keynote Speaker, she activates your cellular remembrance and human journey with passion, compassion and a no BS punch.

Through sacred ceremony, ritual, embodiment, psychic strengthening, meditation guidance, astral connection, cellular unwinding/upgrading, pelvic bowl power, laughter, dynamic flow integration and non-physical channeled messages, she has created utterly transformative experiences that will reawaken your truth, light and destiny to catapult you back into what you REALLY came here for, which is to live from your brightest and boldest light!

After receiving her BA in Psychology at The University of Iowa, she headed west and into a comprehensive Massage Therapy program in Portland, Oregon.  She went on to study under and assist world-renowned visionary John F. Barnes from 2001 until today in cellular healing, embodiment and activation for deep states of holistic healing and transcendence. In 2010 she completed her Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Certification at The Institute For Therapeutic Learning in Seattle, Washington.  She later presented her well-received workshop Get To Know Your Pelvic Floor at the Annual HypnoBirthing® Conclave in San Antonio, Texas in 2018. 

As seen and heard on...

What people are saying...

“Lori has magical energy and a wealth of information!!!  Won’t Disappoint!!!”

Carol M.

” I am absolutely certain anyone who goes with her will leave with such a powerful gift. 

Gina S.

“Sometimes you need a little guidance in your life. Lori makes a great guide!”

Keri A.

“Lori is deep and magical with a lot of spice..along with intelligence and great humor.”

Kelly H.

Her Astrology studies have been far and wide over the course of lifetimes with the core foundation built in this one through the Luminous Life Multiversity with celebrated Astrologer Annie Botticelli.  

Since beginning a therapeutic practice in 2001, Lori has worked with thousands of humans and seekers of body, mind, energy and soul growth.  She lives in and receives guidance from our elemental nature, the astral support system, our body consciousness, cellular wisdom and the divinity within that is our birthright.  You can find her under the magic of the sun and moon, living in and with nature, riding the waves of the ocean, basking in the stillness of lakes, working with her land and loving her ever-growing family of animals. 

She is currently working on her no-holds-barred book on connecting with and unleashing our life force and vitality, which are the access points to the innate guidance system, magnetization and greatness we were meant to flow from.

“Lori never ceases to amaze me with her wisdom.  What a truly divine gift this experience is and continues to be!”

The continued support in Lori’s community and direction has become another guiding force for my healing, awakening and remembering of who I truly am and why I am here. It’s so much more than I thought. I feel supported, loved, guided, and so SEEN. I am beyond grateful I stumbled onto this path and got to enjoy the blessings of this amazing community and leadership.

Lisa T.

Lori came into the world energetically and spiritually sensitive on point! She has maintained a deep knowing of the divinity and magic of humans in connection to our ancestors, nature, the stars and Spirit since beyond the womb.

Being a child of the Universe, her driving force for humanity has been one of connection and alignment of all. The lower vibration of fear and scarcity in our culture has never resonated in her soul.  

She has always been in relationship with her embodied consciousness navigation and is dropping into a deeper alignment as life and ancient energies continue to unfold. Coupled with the transcendent space of emotional cellular recoding in Myofascial Release and her ability to “know” raw multi-dimensional truths, she hopes to share this space of light acceleration with you.

Lori Reising, Star Channeler, Transformational Mentor and Sacred Guide

From Lori

I began my therapeutic practice in 2001 and have relied on an co-creation of desire for wholeness in body, mind, spirit with whomever finds their way to me.  I believe in accessibility to expertise and unapologetic living.  I wear my heart on my sleeve and have never succumbed to immense cultural and community pressure to get quieter.  I do not fear that which reaches into our deep emotional well.  I do celebrate that which elevates us and brings the light.  

I believe laughter is medicine, emotions are our superpower, status quo is boring and that people are meant to thrive.  I have a deep interest in uncovering pathways toward enlightened living while in these beautifully raw human lives.  I was born to believe in magic, our connection and you!

My Wild Heart Revolution is a call to love unconditionally, in all of our differences, messiness, mistakes and imperfection. 

Let’s elevate human consciousness and begin to tap into the power we are all given here on earth.

Co-create With The Universe Workshop

Are you looking for ways to enhance your ability to tap into the infinite potential of co-creating your life with the Universal energy all around you?

Lori Reising, Star Channeler, Sacred Guide, Transformational Mentor, Evolutionary Astrologer

- Connect with Lori -

- Connect with Lori -

What people are saying...

Absolutely loved your last channeled message Lori!  It’s so reassuring listening to the messages you share.  Thank you!  Much love

Mary T.

“The conversations are for expanding the heart, asking the tough questions, and continuing the learning journey. Lori is phenomenal!!!”

Kadie B.

“I am LOVING EVERYTHING YOU PUT OUT!  A BIG HEARTFELT THANK TO YOU AND YOUR GUIDES!  I have been in such a good mood, I am catching myself singing and I can’t remember the last time that happened”

Suzanne T.

“PODCAST recommendation-

The Raw and Wild Hearts -I finally found space to listen this am and let. Me. Tell. You…….I had a smile the entire ride, I laughed out loud, I celebrated with you, I felt your heart”

Raquel B.