Cancer New Moon Collective Message

Hello Lovelies!

Here is a beautiful Cancer New Moon message that has come through.

I’ve also included a collective message that came through during my New Moon ritual at 6:16 pm pst below.  There is some yummy sweetness in coming home to ourselves and power, knowing that we have  everything in every single way! 

All the frickin heart spaces y’all. With the big Mars and Venus in Leo sitch and Cancer season + New Moon, we can be wildly uncomfortable with so much feeling, especially if we’ve been taught that feelings equal weakness (spoiler alert, it’s been the norm for a long time). But guess what!? Times they are a changin and here is our chance to transform that programming to fully accept our deep, beautiful feeling nature and use those emotions as a guide in what is correct for us! Cancer is the mothering energy, the nurturing energy, the home and sacred space energy. Ruled by the Moon, we are in for double the energy here! How’s your insides? You heart, your health, your home? Feeling tender? Feeling insecure? Feeling loving and loved? This is a ripe time to receive energy (Cancer) in a powerful way (Leo). Witness the sensitivity, honor it and then bring your courage to boldly live in it.

I know we’ve been talking about this a lot. A lot a lot. But there’s a dang good reason. Now is the time to release the old habits and programming and make way for the abundant opportunities trying to knock on ya soul door, Loves. And when you lead from your heart (see below) you attract the new paths that move you into higher alignment more and more. 

Oh and there’s a sweet little Trine to Neptune enhancing your psychic abilities and your inner mystic. Add in all dis Cancerian energy….hello Divine Feminine! All genders benefit from a re-membrance of this kind of magickal energy within. Rely on your intuition to guide you. Release the endless thought stream. What does your body say? Give yourself some extra solo space this New Moon. Go within. Receive. Nurture. Feel. Love. And kick ass. 

If you’d like to join in our Zoom Cacao New and Full Moon Gatherings, come on over and join The Raw and Wild Hearts Patreon Community!  There’s lots of fun little perks, along with the support you provide in sharing these messages.  Xo

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In light, love, shadow and Wild,
Lori. Xo