What’s A Spiritual Awakening and How Do I Get One?

What’s A Spiritual Awakening and How Do I Get One?

Episode Summary

Today we will be having an intimate talk, let’s call it Spirituality 101.  And then let’s add the current astrological weather to that talk.  I want to dig into the spiritual awakening that we are undergoing on our planet and how we can best work with it to live our best life and change the world by doing it.  We are talking about tangible practices for your alignment, ways to open up to flow and release resistance and what the heck is available to us when we do our work.  This is a precursor to come amazing guests I have in the line up.  I want to bridge this bigger energy portal to the our human existence.  Ultimately when we merge the two worlds within ourselves, we discover an abundance and peace so beautiful it automatically changes our environment.  Now imagine what could happen when we put that out into a collective that’s matching our vibration?  Yep, you see where I’m going.  Come and check it out!  Open your ears and your hearts.  You may just discover something that sets you up for a path you never thought possible!

  Show Notes

  • Harnessing the power of the planets
  • Syncing up with our higher selves
  • Changing the world through the vibration we emanate
  • We actually have to practice love
  • Light work on steroids
  • A world where basic needs are met
  • 2020 brought a lot of things
  • With big shake ups come big beliefs and big reckonings
  • Ego vs abundant timelines
  • Reframing automatic mindsets
  • Soul growth during shadow time
  • Our astrological imprint
  • Snapshot of you at birth
  • Our bodies hold knowledge
  • We have innate medical wisdom
  • Rabbit teacher
  • Why is the astrology so intense?
  • Moving into flow
  • We are the weather
  • Normalize emotional shifts
  • Finland school kids
  • Mercury Retrograde
  • All Aquarius all over the place this week
  • Back to the Renaissance, history repeats
  • Why alignment matters
  • Balancing the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine
  • Dismantling External and Internal systems
  • Your soul’s call to Source Energy
  • Where our innate health lives
  • Practice your alignment into default
  • Buddhists might be onto something!
  • Nervous system resets
  • Your go to higher dimension move
  • How are you manifesting?
  • Tools for spiritual practice
  • The sweet spot for soul growth
  • Do your work, emit a frequency
  • 2 affirmations to drop you into your spiritual awakening
  • A big ole list of Astrology Rock Stars

Links Mentioned

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Music by ate21

Practicing Higher Consciousness Like It’s Our Job

💫 What does it mean to practicer higher consciousness?  How do we do that exactly?  What are the results of putting the work into our soul alignment?  Why should we do it like it’s our job?  What if we don’t have the time?  Shouldn’t it just naturally unfold for me?  All great questions and here are some of my takes on the answers from my recent Instagram Live chat.  It takes practice to join up with the energy and guidance that’s available, especially right now. It’s also in that practice where we shed unconscious programming and re-member the divine, magical beings we truly are. I offer some support, suggestions, practice techniques, inspiration and a little bit of urgency because we have a New Earth to create from a heart-centered space of love babes! We have the ability to create miracles right now. I know because I was just part of one. 🙏🏼

Subscribe, like, comment, @ TAG someone below and SHARE this video to uplift your communities. Every time we tune in individually, we raise the energy grid for the collective. Do your part. Breathe deeply today. 😎👊🏼💯

🎧 Stay tuned for a full podcast episode all about discipline and practices for support in tapping in, tuning in and leveling up y’all.  I am here for you, for this and for creating a life for all from a deep place of alignment and love.

Turn Down The Noise, Turn Up The Love

⚡️Can we make this a mantra? A daily affirmation? Y’all we are in it right now. With the drama, the sensationalism, the fear creation in 3D annnnnnd we also have the double retrograde action from above. What!?! Yep, coming from below and above.

🔥 Does it feel like a boiling point? Are you carrying the weight of the world? Is everything going completely wrong? Let me ask you this, is tuning in to the external creating more stress and less health? You have the power to tune it out, to disengage. You have the power to create the reality that raises you up. Take actionable steps. My hope for you is that those steps involve transforming unproductive interactions (social media I’m looking at you). These retrogrades (Mercury & Mars) are really asking you to take pause, and then take MORE pause if ya know what I mean 😏. Mercury retrogrades are a wonderful time to be patient with yourself and electronics.  It’s a time to do an internal sweep in many ways.  The Mars retrograde has been hanging out for awhile and he is none too happy about it since he’s in his home sign Aries.  Aries likes to go, make it happen, move forward.  This is an extra reason to spend some time understanding what truly needs to be in the external world with the realization that ego is typically the thing that really wants most things there.  What can you keep and transform and what is productive out in the world, for reals.  Ask yourself, what can I do today that nurtures my soul so I am showing up from an internal calm? One where I do not have to be right. One where I have a beautiful awareness that when something creates discomfort I effortlessly allow myself to disengage immediately, regroup and love (them, me, all). Know that you have the tools to truly care for your emotional and spiritual health while others may desperately try to hold on to an old way of wounding. The truth shall set you free. Now is the time to step off the boat, stand firm in your ground and hold what’s true babes. 💗

In love, light, shadow and Wild,


Living Pain-free 5-week Challenge!

🌟 Come and join my LIVING PAIN-FREE 5-WEEK CHALLENGE! As a holistic healthcare practitioner for the past 20 years, it is my greatest goal in life to support you on your path to pain-free, high vibrational and flowing living!

Go to http://www.therawandwildhearts.com, subscribe to my email list and also receive my free E-guide for living in your Wild Heart! So much goodness coming your way. 💗

⚡️Share with a friend or leave me a comment below! ⬇️. I can’t wait for you to join in on the fun and build in healthy practices and habits slowly and easily with ME! Let’s increase our energy and vibration on this planet to raise the roof on heart-centered aligned living! Look for it in your inbox after you join the Wild Heart Revolution!🌻

Happy New Moon in Libra!

 Happy New Moon in Libra babes (Friday, October 16th at 12:31 pm PST)!

️ It’s a big one, but aren’t they all?? New beginnings and rebirth require our presence, intention and effort. The Moon AND Sun are in Libra here. It’s also a Super New Moon, being near it’s closest approach to Earth. Libra is all about balancing the scales and relationships, outer as well as inner. This is good time to take pause, check in and proceed with care. The two retrogrades in Mars and Mercury can add to the tension that may be welling up within so they require our patience and slowdown. Consider adding my favorite new mantra, “detach” to your practice during this time. Or take it along for this raw and wild ride. You might also want to extend some deadlines to ease the pressure during this time. (✔️, already did it over here!)

It’s karmic reckoning and clearing time, darlings! For good. We have a profound invitation to purge those triggers right now! Tell me this, have you found yourself thinking lately that you just can’t do this broken record again? Or you’re back in a pattern that you thought you grew out of? Or the relationship you’re in is back at it’s breaking point…again?
As usual Spirit has decided to slam me over the head with all of it. I became a ticking time bomb with all the lower vibrational loops coming to a head. And then I broke…open. This is the cosmic storm within and without. We are in the reckoning, completion and reset before Air becomes the dominant energy in 2021. Honor the process of the ups and downs. Hold on because we have changed permanently. Even when the old loops hit us sideways, we have new cosmic tools that will present themselves to remind us of our progress and support us to finally break free from what became clear in these last few weeks. Hello Super New Moon. This is the time. This is your moment. But do your work. You know and I know we are no longer in the frequency to live in the loop. Clear your space, journal your heart, move your body, breath, dance, ask for guidance, be gentle and re-member.

In love, light, shadow and Wild,


My Vanlife Dream and Mindset Shift!


See that smile?? That smile is in large part to some big mindset work I’ve been doing. And also because I’ve worked harder on my dreams this year than I EVER have before, which has led me to my upgrade from part-time camper to full time vanlife! It  has also led me to the ability to sever my tie and reliance on the safety of my business in Portland and the security of the home I’ve lived in for the past ten years. It’s the dedication to shifting my mindset and belief system around money and soul purpose that have allowed me to take this huge leap of faith. I have always held on to money so tightly and come from a scarcity mindset of not enough, rather than more than enough. While I’ve always been a hard worker and very responsible, with that lower frequency belief I held money in a negative light, worried every time I spent it. Even when I had it to spend and spent it on my passion of traveling. It’s been a constant source of stress because at any point I could be broke. But why would I think that? It’s because I did not obtain the belief that I was infinitely talented and resourceful, but to constantly be worried that everything will go away. I’ve been hoarding my “stuff” believing that I wouldn’t be able to afford it if I needed it again. What a joy to finally feel money in a new light!

Money flows in and out (but can’t if you hold on so tightly there’s no flow), money is all around and it’s time for money to be in the hands of heart-centered, small business, pro-community humans. As I invest in my dream life that I now know is absolutely possible and definitely probable if I continue to practice a healed mindset of abundance, trust and flow, I offer that to all around me, they ripple it out and money becomes an exchange from love.

There’s a big awakening happening right now about money, who’s got it, how it’s used and what could happen with a better distribution of it. It’s an awakening of our true humanity and how far off course we’ve been steered for a very long time. Let’s take action. Be intentional, know that your money can make change. Where does it go? Who do you support? How does that feel? Stop habits, build your light! ✨

For me, the open road, the communing with Mother Earth and the freedom of spirit await.  There’s a whole lotta work ahead of that, though, loves.  I’ll bring you along every step of the way.  Manifestation is work, spiritually, emotionally, physically.  Here’s to staying the course, believing in myself and holding the truth of my soul’s calling!

Come join in the journey on my Instagram page and Youtube channel!